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  • 8 Days 7 Nights - Tarangire Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Serenegti Park, Masai Mara & Amboseli

    8 Days 7 Nights - Tarangire Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Serenegti Park, Masai Mara & Amboseli Park

  • 8 Days 7 Nights - Tarangire Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Serenegti Park, Masai Mara & Amboseli

    8 Days 7 Nights - Tarangire Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Serenegti Park, Masai Mara & Amboseli Park

  • 8 Days 7 Nights - Tarangire Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Serenegti Park, Masai Mara & Amboseli

    8 Days 7 Nights - Tarangire Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Serenegti Park, Masai Mara & Amboseli Park

  • 8 Days 7 Nights - Tarangire Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Serenegti Park, Masai Mara & Amboseli Park

    Day 1: Drive to Tarangire park game drive, overnight at the lodge or camp

    Day 2: Drive to Ngorongoro Crater for game drive, overnight at the lodge or Camp

    Day 3: Drive to Serengeti Park for game drive, overnight at the camp or lodge

    Day 4: Full day sunrise to sunset in Serengeti Park, overnight camp or lodge

    Day 5: Sunrise in Serengeti Park, afternoon drive to Masai mara at the camp or lodge

    Day 6: Full day in Masai Mara game drive, overnight camp or lodge

    Day 7: Masai Mara game drive, afternoon drive to Amboseli park for overnight

    Day 8: Game drive in Amboseli park, afternoon drive to Nairobi hotel. End of trip


    2 Hours drive from Arusha town to Tarangire park

    Meet your knowledgeable safari guide in the hotel lounge at 7:30 am to get ready for the safari. After packing all of your safari gear into the safari car, head out for a two-hour drive to Tarangire Park, which entails a circuitous route around Arusha town. Along the way, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of Tanzania's varied wildlife, agricultural, and livestock rearing landscapes. If you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of herdsmen leading herds of large cattle to fresh pastures or the cattle market in the early morning hours.

    Your driver-guide, who is well-versed in the country, will provide you with general information during the two-hour drive. Before you know it, the guide will be at the Tarangire Park gate parking lot. Following standard registration procedures, set out on a game drive through an abundant panorama of boundless golden savannah forests that envelop the region and extend towards the Tarangire River. The river itself is year-round and provides the region's animals with an essential supply of water for the duration of the season. The river, which is bordered by Baobab and acacia trees, is frequently frequented by large herds of elephants as well as other herbivores like zebras and antelopes. Additionally, it is the most effective predation sport for predators to easily make the kill.


    1hrs drive to Ngorongoro Crater and 6-8hrs game drive in the Crater

    Get into your safari jeep at six in the morning and head towards the Ngorongoro Crater. The trip passes over the Great Rif Valley Escarpment, which provides a broad view of Lake Manyara Park at sunrise. The park is surrounded by verdant forests, and pink flamingos can be seen soaring through the sky. Your guide offers to have you pause at the crater observation point so you can use your binoculars to take in everything you can see before you descend the crater floor. Then descend 610 metres to the Ngorongoro Crater's Caldera bottom, which is regarded by some as the world's eighth wonder. When you first see this enormous, lush caldera from the panoramic perspective, you'll quickly realise why it has garnered such a high reputation in the world. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is one of the most sought-after safari locations worldwide, with over 120 species of mammals, including the renowned Big Five, calling it home. Nobody is willing to miss it. It's a particularly ideal site to witness the pride of lions and vast numbers of hippopotamus enjoying the cool water, as well as the endangered black rhinoceros enjoying a solitary lunch out on the grass plains.

    Some of the most famous faces in Africa may be seen and photographed from the comfort of your open-roof top safari vehicle. In addition to a sizable population of wildebeest, zebras, antelope, cape buffalo, and other animals, the crater is home to numerous predators including as lions, leopards, cheetahs, jackals, and hyenas. It is undoubtedly among the best places in Africa to go on safari. Following the day's adventures, drive to the highlands and scale the crater wall with your ranger or a Maasai guide. From there, stroll around the rim of the Olmoti crater, where you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Munge waterfalls and the floor of the crater. Eland, buffalo, and reedbuck can occasionally be seen in addition to the Maasai people and their animals. Your campground is located within a Maasai bomas.


    3-4Hrs drive to Serengeti gate & 6hrs game drive in Serengeti Park

    We're in for a full and exhausting early breakfast because we have a long, bumpy, and dusty road ahead of us. After breakfast, load your things into your car and go out of the camp or lodge, passing by the picturesque Ngorongoro Conservation Area on your way to a wildlife drive. Along the trip, you may catch a glimpse of cape buffalo, herds of baboons, or perhaps elephants and leopards in the dense forest beneath the mist-covered rain forests of the reserve. You also can't miss the opportunity to view the crater from the rim by stopping at the crater view point with your binoculars.

    Numerous optional activities that need additional costs are available in the Ngorongoro area. One such activity is the Olduvai Gorge Museum, also referred to as the Cradle of Humankind because it has some of the oldest fossils ever discovered that show signs of human settlement. Visit/tour one of the well-known real Maasai bomas to see and take part in traditional Maasai dances. You can also indulge in a little retail therapy at the neighbourhood market. The two aforementioned activities come at an extra expense. You will be treated to a delectable picnic lunch by your guide right at the Now that you've entered the Serengeti National Park picnic area, it's time to experience the actual Serengeti. See the famous savannas of Africa and be astounded by the enormous quantity of wildlife that grazes these grassy plains, including the Big Five, antelopes, and millions of wildebeest and zebras that walk this breathtaking, never-ending plain after dusk. Dinner and a night at a campsite or lodge right in the middle of the Serengeti National Park.


    From sunrise to sunset from 6am to 6pm, 10-12hrs full day game drive in Serengeti

    We begin the day with a breathtaking dawn game drive over these stunning Serengeti plains, where we watch as the sun sets on the savannah grassland and predators, including lions and leopards, search for their morning prey. Alternatively, for an additional $650 per person, you might choose to witness this morning's dawn in the skies while on a historic HOT AIR BALLOON safari, landing in champagne and cheering while waiting for a well-prepared hot bush breakfast. It's a possibility, so ask your guide how you might incorporate this amazing experience into your safari. OR you can go on a morning game drive, return to your lodge for breakfast, and then leave with a packed lunch to spend the entire day exploring the park. Your driver will decide which path will give you the best possibility of witnessing the Great Five, the hippopotamus pools, as well as the Wildebeest Migration. Numerous herds of animals, including zebras and wildebeests roaming together, elegant giraffes, gazelles and antelopes jumping, the formidable African elephant, and the most revered group of all, the predators, will be visible to you. It's possible to see slender cheetahs, bashful leopards, giggling hyenas, and, of course, the majestic lion, the monarch of the forest. Drive back after dusk to have dinner and spend the night at a camp or resort.


    On this final day in the stunning Serengeti National Park, your guide will be prepared for an early morning game drive before breakfast (a hot air balloon ride over the park's plains can be booked at an additional cost). When the first rays of sunlight reach the woods, you can observe cats preying, vultures soaring across the sky, and other predators and grazers congregating for the morning's verdant greenery.

    Depending on the season, the incredible wildebeest migration is a remarkable sight. The game drive ends at around 10 a.m. to fully enjoy this magnificent dawn spectacle. Once you return to the lodge or camp for a late breakfast, you will load your bags into the safari jeep and head out again for another EN-ROUTE game drive through the Serengeti via a different route to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. On your way to the RIM of Ngorongoro Crater, you will have plenty of opportunities to spot the animals that eluded you yesterday. You will spend the night at the campsite or lodge.


    (Game drive in Ngorongoro Crater 5-6hrs and 3 hrs drive back to Arusha)

    Today's entire day will be recompensed for a lengthy game drive spent touring the park, in the pursuit of the BIG FIVE and the migrations of wildebeest. It is almost unbelievable how much diversity and quantity of wildlife Masai Mara has to offer. Seated comfortably in our 4x4 safari car, we will go on long game drives to discover the northwest region of the Masai Mara Triangle. Amazing wildlife experiences are something you should definitely look forward to, especially during the Great Migration! You are going to travel to the Mara River, which is located in Kenya and offers views of Tanzania.

    The biggest obstacle in the way of the zebra and wildebeest migrations each year. A breathtaking scene is created at the end of October and the beginning of November when the river swells to nearly breaking point and enormous crocodiles are ready to feast on the AMUST cross of tens of thousands of animals, even though they are aware that they could die because crocodiles occasionally hide just below the surface to speed up the cross. It's sometimes a graphic scene. Hippos, crocodiles, and other creatures can also be observed by the riverbanks at other seasons of the year, full with food and sluggish to move. You head back to your camp or lodge for dinner and an overnight stay as the sun sets.


    The ideal plan is to rise very early, have a hearty breakfast and check out of the lodge or camp in preparation for the last game drive in Masai Mara. Given the length of the afternoon journey to Nairobi and the heavy traffic, it would be better if we remembered to pack a lunch. After leaving the Masai Mara entrance, we go by the upland country markets and arrive to the Great Rift Valley Escarpment. The locals are known for their excellent beef barbecue, which is served at the escarpment's viewpoint.

    Take the congested roadway that leads to Amboseli National Park through Nairobi city. After arriving in Amboseli Park, take a twilight game drive through the vast plains where enormous herds of elephants reside, grazing on the large acacia trees. If the weather permits, enjoy dinner beneath a canopy of trees on the banks of the Enkong Narok wetland, offering a breathtaking view of Mount Kilimanjaro. Spend the night in the camp or lodge.


    Today is our last and final day of the combined Tanzania and Kenya safari

    Get up early for breakfast, then go out of the lodge or camp for our last game drive and animal discovery. This location is renowned for its enormous herds of elephants and for offering the best panoramic views of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The park's strategically placed Observation Hill provides a stunning view of the snow capped peak, park grasslands, marshes, and the seasonal Lake Amboseli, which dominates the western corridor. Return to the lodge/camp at noon for a late afternoon hot lunch before we check out of the park and head to your hotel in Nairobi or directly to the airport for our journey home. END OF TRIP







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