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  • 7 Days 6 Nights - Naro Moru Trekking

    7 Days 6 Nights - Naro Moru Trekking

  • 7 Days 6 Nights - Naro Moru Trekking

    7 Days 6 Nights - Naro Moru Trekking

  • 7 Days 6 Nights - Naro Moru Trekking

    This trek offers of the best views of Mt. Kenya's main peaks, with gradual climb, which can be done leisurely. You traverse the mountain by ascending the Sirimon track joining the best of Timau track, then join the best of Chogoria and descend the Naro moru track.

    Day 1: Nairobi to Naro Moru River Lodge

    Day 2: Naro moru – Judmier Camp

    Day 3: Judmeir camp to Sirimon Valley camp

    Day 4: Sirimon Camp to Halls Turn Camp

    Day 5: Austrian Hut

    Day 6: Austrian Hut to Met Station

    Day 7: Transfer to Nairobi

    Day 1: Nairobi to Naro Moru River Lodge

    Leave Nairobi at 9:00 a.m. and travel through the Kikuyu Farmlands before reaching late in the morning at Naro Moru River Lodge, which offers breathtaking views of Mount Kenya on clear days. Spend the evening and meal at Naro Moru River Lodge-LD

    Day 2: Naro moru – Judmier Camp

    Following breakfast, you are taken past Nanyuki town to the Sirimon park gate, where you are picked up at 09:30 from the Lodge. At 11.0000 feet, Judmaier Camp is a short, easy trek (3–4 hours) from the gate. Spent the evening beneath a canvas canopy, taking in the sounds of the African night-BLD

    Day 3: Judmeir camp to Sirimon Valley camp

    Following breakfast, go along the Moorland and descend the Sirimon Track, which is 13,000 feet above sea level and contours into the Sirimon Valley (Liki North). There's a tonne of plain game to be seen in this rarely-visited location. Stay overnight in the 13,000-foot-high Sirimon Valley. (3–4 Hours)

    Day 4: Sirimon Camp to Halls Turn Camp

    We leave the Sirimon Valley early and travel into the head of the Hinde Valley. After that, you cross the Gorges and Nithi Valleys. With its virgin valleys, tumbling waterfalls, and 1,000-foot vertical cliffs, this is without a doubt one of the most picturesque parts of the mountain and one of Kenya's most amazing hiking destinations. Camping for the night at 14,000-foot Hall Tarns (4-6 hours).

    Day 5: Austrian Hut

    Continue climbing for another four to six hours to the Australian Hut.

    Day 6: Austrian Hut to Met Station

    Lenana (16,355 feet) is the third-highest peak in the world and requires an alpine ascent that takes four hours to reach the top. Make your way down to Teleki Valley and stop at Mackinder's camp (13,000 feet) for breakfast. After that, spend the night at the Met Station camp (7–10 hours).

    Day 7: Transfer to Nairobi

    Following breakfast, you continue descending to the park gate, where you will meet the vehicle for your return trip to Nairobi, within two to three hours.







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